Wednesday, May 04, 2011

To blog again...
And why not do it here, where I began six years ago? So here I am. Here am I. I am here.

I suppose I could have chosen to create another page, or even use an entirely different site, but why not stick with what I know - or, what I can remember of it...? Perhaps I find comfort in the familiarity of it, considering how much has changed. Perhaps I am too lazy to create something new and different. Perhaps I simply think it will be interesting to fill in the gaps between the old and the new, as the new unfolds here. I tend to find the latter most likely. And most like me. So, here we go.

I hope to post my first blog, tomorrow. I make no promises, however. Life does not always allow me to sit down and write when I would really like to. I will, however, post as often as possible.

My one and only warning to you, as a potential reader, is the likelihood that I will be "all over the place". That being said, I would be honored to have you accompany me on this journey.
