It would seem that I am going to be no better at blogging than I am at journaling. Once again, this is an area where I find myself criticized. Apparently I am supposed to have some sort of routine...but that just isn't me! I am supposed to blog everyday or every such and such day. Whatever...
I am fairly happy living without routine in whatever area I can escape it. I have always been an organized person when necessary and routine is a large part of that organization. There is a specific place for everything in my home (the clothes in my closet are hung according to shape, size, and color). There are specific ways things must be taken care of within my home. There are dinner routines and bathing routines and bedtime routines for each member of my family. There are several work routines for each day of the week. I have even developed an afternoon/early evening routine for myself; that particular routine needs serious alteration, however! So, obviously, I do my best to avoid routine whenever possible.
I pride myself in being a "fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants" kind of girl. My ideal life would consist of self-employment, independent wealth, and the ability to go and do whatever wherever whenever. Unfortunately, my reality differs quite drastically from my ideal and it is for that reason I often find myself rebelling against "systems" established by society and the like.
I am an intelligent woman - certainly intelligent enough to know when to follow, when to lead, and when to toss the system out the window. I believe, very simply, that there are times when the rules don't have to be followed and society should not dictate when, where, what, or how I choose to live my life. Who should really care when I choose to write my blog and when I don't? Why should I feel the need to write when I may not have anything to say?
So if I choose to blog again tomorrow or it takes me two more weeks, my critics will just have to deal with it.
I am who I am and that's all that I am! ~ Popeye